Sunday, November 25, 2012

Muslim Itu Saudara

"Kamu semua orang Islam. Kita semua saudara. Sepatutnya cubit paha kanan, paha kiri juga terasa. Mana janji manis kita berkata, "Muslim itu saudara"?"

tersentap. tersangkak seketika. apa yang aku dah buat untuk bantu mereka?

kemudian, ini pula datang menjelma.

cerita bermula minit ke 2:49. lihatlah sehingga ke penghujungnya. sila fokus pada minit ke 4:03.

kemudian, aku termangu sendiri. yg mana satu kah yg ingin aku jadi??
BURUNG kah??
BI kah??
CICAK kah??

berfikir secara rasional, ya, semua orang akan pilih...
tapi, bila kita buat refleksi diri, kita sebenarnya yg mana satu?? tepuk dada tanya diri.

sendiri tanya pun, hanya mampu tersedak. :/

now, dgn berita hangat tersebar ttg kawan-kawan kita kat GAZA sana, apa yang kita dah buat? no. apa yang aku dah buat untuk bantu dorg?? emosi pasal hal duniawi?? yang xmungkin aku bawak mati?? :O

akan tiba suatu saat, Allah xkan tanya sama ada aku mampu jatuhkan Israel atau tidak. tapi, Allah akan tanya, apa yg aku dah buat untuk sekurang-kurangnya menyumbang dalam kejatuhan Israel itu.

Every problem has its own solution. What matter the most is not the SOLUTION. but THE JOURNEY IN FINDING the solutions.

Another example:
Problem: Takde duit nak beli makanan.
Solution: Money money money money~ MONEY !! *gaya the apprentice*
How we find the solution: 
1. Mintak mak?? mak tak bagi. 
2. Mintak abah?? abah suruh mintak mak. which the answer is "NO".
3. Seluk poket, rembat duit mak?? atau merayu kat mak?? atau pecah tabung??

so, basically, the solution is important. but how we get the solution is much more important. 

hmmm. xfaham jugak?? buat-buat faham dah lerr. -_-

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Kasot puteh...

Kasot puteh.

If and only if you know him. :O :O :O


Out of desperation, depression, loneliness, sadness, confusion, guilt...

And all the bad things that u can combine together...

I cut my hair.

Blaming You?? :O

More than a year has passed since we met and know each other. It was a bliss knowing you. It really is a bliss. I dont know why. I dont know how. Maybe some part of me, there is something wrong.

I am not blaming you, my dear friend. I blame myself. Not you. I cant deny the fact that sometimes I do feel lonely. Away from Malaysia. Away from Malaysians. But that is my choice. I CHOSE to live far away from them. I CHOSE to despise them. In the end, i feel lonely and keep complaining about it. But who's to blame?? Isn't it me?? That's obvious right?? 

Some part of me want to be alone while the other part dont. I choose to be further away but at the same time, I dont want to. I dont know. I am confused. 

I... I... I... 

It is too complicated to understand. I cant even understand what am I thinking at times.

Ignore me. -_-